borders, nations, translations

  06 2008, editorial Rada Iveković Translating Borders Hito Steyerl Politics of the archive Jon Solomon Rethinking the Meaning of Regions Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak More Thoughts on Cultural Translation Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez “Lost in Translation” – Transcultural Translation and Decolonialization of Knowledge Boris Buden A Tangent that Betrayed the Circle Sandro Mezzadra / Brett Neilson Border as Method, or, the

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Translating Violence

  11 2007, Editorial Translating Violence/Traduire le silence de la plèbe Jon Solomon Translation, Violence, and the Heterolingual Intimacy Sandro Mezzadra Living in Transition: Toward a Hetrolingual Theory of the Multitude Rita Kothari Diffusing Polarizations: Language and Translation at the Time of the Gujarat Riots Min Dongchao Translation as Crossing Borders: A Case Study of the Translations of the

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“A Bitter Disappointment,” Edward Said on His Encounter with Sartre, De Beauvoir and Foucault

AUGUST 26, 2014 EUGENE WOLTERS In 1979, Edward Said was invited by Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir to France for a conference on Middle East peace. It was in the wake of the Camp David Accords that ended the war between Egypt and Israel, that the author of “Orientalism” and ardent supporter of the Palestinian people, was invited to contribute with other

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The Art of Empathy: Celebrating Literature in Translation

Nineteen thought-provoking essays on the art of translation and its ability to help us understand other cultures and ways of thought by award-winning translators and publishers. Includes recommendations by the essayists of translations that they enjoyed reading. 88 pp. 2014 Download:  The Art of Empathy Translation.pdf Table of Contents Preface by NEA Chairman Jane Chu ……………………………………….. i Introduction by NEA

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Conflict Zone Field Guide for Civilian Translators/ Interpreters and Users of Their Services

Translators/Interpreters (T/Is) contracted to work in conflict zones are often non-professional linguists yet play a key role in communications. Operating in high-risk environments, they are extremely vulnerable and require special protection both during and after the conflict. Users of T/I services must be aware of their responsibilities to T/Is and of the need to continuously protect them. At the same

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The Case of the Arabic Noirs

  August 20, 2014 | by Jonathan Guyer Cairo: the metal detector beeps. The security man wears a crisp white uniform. He nods and leans back in his chair. The lobby’s red oriental carpet, so worn it’s barely red, leads upstairs to the hotel tavern. Enter the glass doors, where a cat in a smart bow tie and vest reaches for a lonely

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    Click on relevant links for each event to download resources (audio recordings)   TRANSLATING WORLD LITERATURE: JAPAN AND RUSSIA MARCH 10, 2014 4:41 AM With presentations by Royall Tyler and Rosamund Bartlett Thursday 6 March 2014 Sidney Myer Asia Centre, Melbourne During this evening dedicated to world literature in translation, two eminent translators talked about their work. Royall

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Fans of Gabriel García Márquez and Roberto Bolaño Have These Translators to Thank

By Karla Zabludovsky 24 August 2014  When Edith Grossman was translating a novel by Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes, she was struggling with how to handle the ubiquitous slang. One day, at lunch with Fuentes, Grossman asked him how he had picked up such a vast repertoire of dirty, vulgar and unheard-of slang. “He said, ‘Well, number one, when I was a

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Introduction to Theory of Literature

About the Course This is a survey of the main trends in twentieth-century literary theory. Lectures will provide background for the readings and explicate them where appropriate, while attempting to develop a coherent overall context that incorporates philosophical and social perspectives on the recurrent questions: what is literature, how is it produced, how can it be understood, and what is

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European Languages in Translation: Cultural Identity and Intercultural Communication

  Main Hall, Taylor Institution – St Giles’, Oxford OX1 3NA September 25-26, 2014 Registration is open until Sunday 21st September, or until fully booked Conveners: Martin McLaughlin and Javier Muñoz-Basols (For enquiries please contact   In recent decades we have witnessed an ever-increasing exposure to new cultures and languages. Ease of travel, migration flows and increased opportunities to interact with foreign

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