76 Universities in Spain Suspend Ties With Complicit Israeli Universities

May 10, 2024 By Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) Groundbreaking decision of the Conference of University Rectors in Spain to hold Israel and its complicit institutions accountable for Israel’s genocide in Gaza and its underlying regime of settler-colonial apartheid The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) salutes the groundbreaking decision

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In Support of Boycott, Divest, Sanction and a Free Palestine

Editorial By The Crimson Editorial Board April 29, 2022 When oppression strikes anywhere in the world, resistance movements reverberate globally. The desire for rightful justice spreads, like wildfire, moving us to act, to speak, to write, and right our past wrongs. Over the past year, the Harvard College Palestine Solidarity Committee has strived to do just that. Amid escalating tensions

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J. K. Rowling and the Prisoners of Israel

by OMAR ROBERT HAMILTON Counterpunch, OCTOBER 26, 2015 “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.” — J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, 2007. How disappointing to see JK Rowling and Hilary Mantel signing this nefarious letter calling for the need for ‘cultural bridges’ with Israel. The letter, assembled by a new organisation calling itself Culture

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Former President of Modern Language Association Resigns Following Decision to Ban Debate on BDS

      For the time being, the MLA has taken an extreme and ethically untenable position by endorsing the idea, promoted by a group of members who were openly “assisted” by outside groups, that it is illegitimate for professional groups to protest Israel’s policies towards its Palestinian subjects.   January 9, 2018 To Paula Krebs, Executive Director of the

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Press Release on MLA Delegate Assembly Vote

JANUARY 10, 2017 ~ MLABOYCOTT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 9, 2017 Media Contact: David Lloyd | dclloyd@ucr.edu In Keeping with Conservative History,  MLA Votes Down Resolution to Boycott Israeli Institutions At the annual convention of the Delegate Assembly of the Modern Language Association [MLA], a resolution to endorse the Palestinian call for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions for their involvement in violations of international law was voted

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'Progressive’ Defenders of the Racial State: Reflections on the Modern Language Association BDS vote

David Lloyd, Mondoweiss, January 9, 2017 The news is in: on Saturday, a resolution to endorse the Palestinian call for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions was rejected by the Delegate Assembly of the Modern Language Association, the largest and most traditional humanities association in the United States.  An opposing resolution that directs the MLA not to endorse a boycott of Israeli universities

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Message from Graduate Students on the MLA Academic Boycott Resolution

Graduate student MLA members who support the boycott of Israeli academic institutions wrote the message below. Please share widely with graduate students who may have questions about the politics of academic boycott and why it is relevant to graduate student politics in the United States today. Sincerely, –The Coordinating Committee MLA Members for Justice in Palestine   What will be the

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The MLA and the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions

This short documentary makes the case for MLA (Modern Languages Association) members to vote in 2017 in support of a resolution to endorse the boycott of Israeli academic institutions. The video includes interviews with numerous prominent literary scholars who support the boycott resolution. Gayatri Spivak, W.J.T.Mitchell, Bruce Robbins, Margaret Ferguson, Rosaura Sanchez, David Lloyd, Malini Schueller, David Palumbo Liu, Jeffery

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W. J. T. Mitchell: “Palestine at the 2016 MLA”

26 January 2016 W.J.T. Mitchell is editor of Critical Inquiry. One of the most notable developments at the 2016 Modern Language Association meeting in Austin, Texas could be glimpsed simply by looking at the program. There were no less than a dozen sessions devoted to the question of Palestine. Many of them were, of course, devoted to the movement known as

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Not so Much Anti-Boycott as Pro-Israel

David Palumbo-Liu(bio)1. Stanford University1 Symploke, Volume 23, Numbers 1-2, 2015, pp. 425-457 (Review) Download pdf: Palumbo-liu   The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel, edited by Cary Nelson and Gabriel Noah Brahm (2015), aspires to be “a resource to bring reason, history, and sound information to campuses confronting [the] BDS [Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions] agenda” (19). The editors clearly feel their book

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