Birzeit University Institute of Women's Studies Urgent Call

              31 July 2014   As we write this statement, 25 days after the brutal incursion on Gaza, over a thousand and four hundred of innocent civilian women, men and children have been butchered by Israel’s war machine and much more are threatened to be killed. The call for raping Palestinian women by the

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Soros fund drops shares in Israel’s SodaStream

Mahmoud Kassem August 2, 2014 Soros Fund Management, the family office of the billionaire investor George Soros, has sold its stake in SodaStream, the soda making appliance producer that profits from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and was made popular by actress Scarlett Johansson’s endorsement. The decision comes as a number of big international investors, including the fund linked

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In light of renewed call for boycott following latest Gaza attack, Verso Books offers free download of BDS anthology

    Adam Horowitz on August 1, 2014   In light of the ongoing Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip and the renewed call from Gaza civil society to enact boycott, divestment and sanctions on Israel, Verso Books is offering a free ebook download of its 2012 BDS anthology, The Case for Sanctions Against Israel, with contributions from authors such

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Israeli universities lend support to Gaza massacre

  Submitted by Ali Abunimah on Fri, 07/25/2014 – 13:10 Two leading Israeli academic institutions are offering strong support for Israel’s ongoing massacre in Gaza. Tel Aviv University is giving students who serve in the attack on Gaza one year of free tuition. “Tel Aviv University embraces and supports all the security forces who are working to restore quiet and

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‘A level of racist violence I have never seen’

UCLA professor Robin D. G. Kelley on Palestine and the BDS movement Alex Kane on February 16, 2012   If there’s one thing the Palestine solidarity movement and Israel lobbyists can agree on, it’s this: American college campuses remain a potent battleground when it comes to the politics of Israel/Palestine. One group, the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott

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Thank you, Sinéad O’Connor, for boycotting Israel

David Cronin on Fri, 07/25/2014 I vividly recall the first time I saw  live. She looked shy and fragile as she walked onstage. And then she began her song “Troy,” whispering to us one second; screaming at us the next. It was enchanting and haunting. That was 26 years ago. Ever since then, I’ve admired O’Connor as a woman of talent

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USACBI Congratulates and Thanks the Critical Ethnic Studies Association and the African Literature Association for Endorsing the Academic Boycott of Israel!

The US Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) congratulates both the Critical Ethnic Studies Association (CESA) and the African Literature Association (ALA) following their recent, respective announcements to heed the call from Palestinian civil society and endorse the academic boycott of Israel. As Palestinians residing in Gaza are faced with yet another brutal Israeli war that has

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