Boycotting Israel: the situation has changed and I have changed my mind too

  MARTIN SHAW 31 July 2014 The latest Israeli assault on Gaza is for one scholar an occasion to rethink the fundamental arguments for and against a boycott of the country.   Israel’s slaughter in Gaza must make us all pause and ask whether we should rethink our stance on the Palestine conflict. The killing is presented as a regrettable

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Boycott of Israel Spreads in European Civil Society Over Gaza War, Could Cost $5 Billion a Year

By Juan Cole This post originally ran on Juan Cole’s Web page. The ill-considered and remarkably brutal Gaza war likely will give further impetus to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement by Western civil society to pressure Israel on its illegal actions toward the Palestinians.  A thoroughgoing such European set of sanctions could cost Israel as much as $5 bn

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Now diplomacy has failed, boycotting Israel might be the only way we can protect the people of Gaza

The Israeli government has already proven that it fears international isolation   YARA HAWARI Wednesday 30 July 2014 Israel has lost its grip on reality. The death toll in Gaza stands at well over a thousand and continues to rise by the day. The coastal strip has been reduced to rubble. Rather than celebrating Eid this week, Palestinians in Gaza

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Soros fund drops shares in Israel’s SodaStream

Mahmoud Kassem August 2, 2014 Soros Fund Management, the family office of the billionaire investor George Soros, has sold its stake in SodaStream, the soda making appliance producer that profits from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and was made popular by actress Scarlett Johansson’s endorsement. The decision comes as a number of big international investors, including the fund linked

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