The Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media (Pb edition)

  The Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media is now available in paperback format. Edited By Mona Baker, Bolette B. Blaagaard, Henry Jones, Luis Pérez-González     Copyright 2021 ISBN 9780367544164 640 Pages 1 B/W Illustrations Published May 27, 2024 by Routledge This is the first authoritative reference work to map the multifaceted and vibrant site of citizen media research and

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Open letter by Gaza academics and university administrators to the world

We call on our supporters to help us resist the Israeli campaign of scholasticide and rebuild our universities. Al Jazeera, 29 May 2024 We have come together as Palestinian academics and staff of Gaza universities to affirm our existence, the existence of our colleagues and our students, and the insistence on our future, in the face of all current attempts

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Gayatri Chakraborty Spivak: The Colonizer’s Violence Only Generates Violence

              8 Feb 2024 In her 13-minutes recorded message of solidarity with Palestinian people, and against the US-led de-funding of the UNRWA, the renowned scholar and activist Gayatri Chakraborty Spivak of India spoke out against Israel’s settler colonialist genocide, still on-going, in Gaza. Drawing on one of the world’s most influential anti-colonial scholar and

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‘Where are the voices?’: A deafening silence from the West’s white feminists on Gaza

With their continued silence on Gaza, the selectiveness of white mainstream feminists shows that for them, some lives are worth talking about more than others. The New Arab, Yousra Samir Imran 14 May, 2024 More than seven months into Israel’s indiscriminate bombing and targeting of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, the only thing the world has heard from many of the

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Ethiopian women in Israel ‘given contraceptive without consent’

Israel’s health ministry is investigating claims that Ethiopian immigrants have unwittingly had Depo-Provera jabs for years The Guardian, 26 February 2013 Phoebe Greenwood in Tel Aviv Israel’s health ministry is investigating claims that Ethiopian women are being injected with a controversial contraceptive without their knowledge or consent.   Thousands of Ethiopian women are said to be receiving shots of Depo-Provera

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76 Universities in Spain Suspend Ties With Complicit Israeli Universities

May 10, 2024 By Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) Groundbreaking decision of the Conference of University Rectors in Spain to hold Israel and its complicit institutions accountable for Israel’s genocide in Gaza and its underlying regime of settler-colonial apartheid The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) salutes the groundbreaking decision

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Stop talking englissh

Marion Turner London Review of Books, Vol. 46, No. 9 9 May 2024   Fixers: Agency, Translation and the Early Global History of Literature  by Zrinka Stahuljak. Chicago, 345 pp., £85, February, 978 0 226 83039 1   The earliest astrolabe​ in the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford was made in Syria in the ninth century and is inscribed with text in

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A feminist praxis for academic freedom in the context of genocide in Gaza

Palestinian Feminist Collective condemns sophicide and scholasticide in Gaza – the deliberate annihilation of Indigenous knowledge traditions and the physical destruction of centers of knowledge.   BY PALESTINIAN FEMINIST COLLECTIVE APRIL 11, 2024 As members of the Palestinian Feminist Collective and scholars at North American universities, we are steadfast in our commitment to the intellectual pursuit of knowledge, truth, and

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Translating with the Earth: Gender, Feminism and Eco-Translation

Special Issue of Feminist Translation Studies Abstract deadline 15 May 2024 Manuscript deadline 15 October 2024     Special Issue Editor(s) Şebnem Susam-Saraeva, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Carolyn Shread, Mount Holyoke College, US Intersections between gender, feminism and environmental issues have been explored in Western scholarship for more than fifty years now, catalyzed by Rachel Carson’s Silent

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