Translaboration in Analogue and Digital Practice: Labour, Power, Ethics

Edited by Cornelia Zwischenberger (University of Vienna, Austria) and Alexa Alfer (University of Westminster, UK), contracted with Frank & Timme, Berlin Translaboration, as an essentially ‘blended concept” (Fauconnier & Turner 2002), responds to the confluence of ‘translation’ and ‘collaboration’ that is increasingly widespread not only in Translation Studies but also in a range of neighbouring disciplines. Translaboration’s central aim is

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Associate Professor in Translation Studies, Sultan Qaboos University

    Job Announcement: Sultan Qaboos University, the leading public university in the Sultanate of Oman, announces a vacancy in Translation Studies with the following specifications:     Date of appointment: September, 2021   Rank: Associate Professor   Conditions: Specialization focus on translation technologies and/or audio-visual translation Minimum of 6 years of teaching experience in the broader area of Translation

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Translating the Crisis

Politics and Culture in Spain after the 15M by Fruela Fernández Copyright Year 2021 Translating the Crisis discusses the multiple translation practices that shaped the 15M movement, also known as the indignados (‘outraged’), a series of mass demonstrations and occupations of squares that took place across Spain in 2011 and which played a central role in the recent global wave of popular protest.

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Translating COVID-19 and Japan: A Historical Reflection on the Social Standing of Scientists

Ruselle Meade (Cardiff University, United Kingdom) May 21, 2020 Notes from the Field As a crisis that inevitably mixes politics with science, the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the visibility of scientists. Political leaders the world over are keen to stress that their responses to the pandemic are “driven by science.” It was warnings from the government’s panel of scientific experts, argued

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Using Corpora to Trace the Cross-Cultural Mediation of Concepts through Time

  An interview with the coordinators of the Genealogies of Knowledge Research Network     Mona Baker, Shanghai International Studies University, China & University of Manchester, UK Jan Buts, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Henry Jones, Aston University, UK Interview by Zhao Wenjing, Zhengzhou Shengda University and Henan Normal University, and Yang Guosheng, Henan Polytechnic   (1) Can you say something

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The Time of Now: An Interview with the Editors of the Routledge Handbook of Translation and Activism

Barricade, a Journal of Antifascism and Translation SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 BY ANNEKE RAUTENBACH In a chapter for the Routledge Handbook of Translation and Activism, published over the summer, Turkish journalist and translator Ayşe Düzkan offers an anecdote: At a conference in Istanbul in 2014, she was tasked with providing a consecutive Turkish interpretation for one of the speakers, a British Marxian anthropologist. His

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The Ethics of Volunteerism in Translation: Translators Without Borders and the Platform Economy

Covering Note   The Ethics of Volunteerism Attila Piróth and Mona Baker October 2019   Some background to our decision to publish this article independently is in order. First, neither of us is under pressure to publish at all. Attila is a professional translator whose career would hardly benefit from a scholarly publication, and may even be negatively impacted by

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Phobia: A Corpus Study of Political Diagnostics: OPEN ACCESS

  Jan Buts Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume 7, Article number: 101 (2020) Cite this article   Abstract   This article is a rhetorical corpus study of the use of -phobia in online alternative media. The term phobia is used in the psychiatric domain to refer to a range of anxiety disorders, but is now also commonly used to identify social tensions.

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‘Is Climate Science Taking Over the Science?’: OPEN ACCESS

A corpus-based study of competing stances on bias, dogma and expertise in the blogosphere Luis Pérez-González  Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume 7, Article number: 92 (2020) Abstract Climate change science has become an increasingly polarized site of controversy, where discussions on epistemological rigour are difficult to separate from debates on the impact that economic and political interests have on the production of

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