The Medicalisation of Democratic Rights in the Debate about Abortion (MEDRA): The US, Ireland and Argentina

      This project, funded by UiO:Democracy, explores how medical knowledge is mobilized in debates about abortion through corpus-based analysis   At the heart of the controversy over abortion rights are disagreements about key democratic concepts such as rights, autonomy, privacy and freedom, making the right to abortion one of the most contested in the world. MEDRA explores the

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The Ethics of Volunteerism in Translation: Translators Without Borders and the Platform Economy

Covering Note   The Ethics of Volunteerism Attila Piróth and Mona Baker October 2019   Some background to our decision to publish this article independently is in order. First, neither of us is under pressure to publish at all. Attila is a professional translator whose career would hardly benefit from a scholarly publication, and may even be negatively impacted by

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