Lawrence Davidson: Divestment: Isolating Apartheid Financially

From the archive (legacy material) Lawrence Davidson | Resisting Israeli Apartheid conference | 5 December 2004 [Note: French translation available here.] 1. Working Assumption: Governments in the West, left to themselves, do not have the will to sanction Israel for its illegal occupation of the Occupied Territories and its violent destruction of Palestinian society. Therefore, an international grass roots

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Lisa Taraki: The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

From the archive (legacy material) Lisa Taraki | Resisting Israeli Apartheid conference | 5 December 2004 [Note: French translation available here.] Abstract: This presentation discusses how Palestinian academics and intellectuals conceive the academic and cultural boycott of Israel both internationally and locally, and what they ask from academics, artists, writers, and public intellectuals across the world. After outlining the

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Victoria Brittain: Welcome Remarks

From the archive (legacy material) Victoria Brittain | Resisting Israeli Apartheid conference | 5 December 2004 [Note: French translation available here.] Welcome to all, especially those who have come from far – Lawrence Davidson and John Docker from the US and Australia, Ilan Pappe, well known to us all here now from his frequent visits, Ur Shlonsky from Switzerland,

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Nationalist tendencies running rampant

From the archive (legacy material) Uzi Benziman | Ha’aretz Daily | 4 August 2003 When Ariel Sharon formed his second government, he announced that he personally would head a single ministerial committee: the one that deals with the non-Jewish population. The prime minister, it was understood, intended to attend personally to the advancement of the population’s Arab sector. Five

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Abusing 'Anti-Semitism'

From the archive (legacy material) Ran HaCohen | | September 29, 2003 The eve of the Jewish New Year is an excellent occasion for what Jewish tradition calls Kheshbon Nefesh, or soul-searching on so-called “anti-semitism”, which has now become the single most important element of Jewish identity. Jews may believe in God or not, eat pork or not,

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Israel's anti-Semitism

From the archive (legacy material) Ibrahim Nafie | Al-Ahram Weekly | 20 – 26 November 2003 The Israeli right stands guilty of more than hypocrisy when they accuse others of being anti-Semitic, writes Ibrahim Nafie ——————————————————————————– Israel and Zionist organisations are becoming increasingly dependent upon the charge of “anti- Semitism” as a political weapon. Individuals and organisations, indeed entire

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Turkey responds to activities of Jewish backed Kurdish Credit Bank with Ziraat Bank

From the archive (legacy material) Cihan News Agency | Cihan News Agency | 13 November 2003 ISTANBUL – The Turkish government will take precautions against an increase in banking activities and the purchase of land in northern Iraq. The Turkish government plans to respond to activities of “Kurdish Credit Bank” which grants loans to Kurdish people to purchase land

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Israel's blank cheque

From the archive (legacy material) Ghada Karmi | Al-Ahram Weekly | 29 May-4 June 2003 Skillful manipulation by Israel of allegations of anti-Semitism has resulted in a culture of silence and intellectual intimidation with regard to Israel, writes Ghada Karmi* The Palestinian Intifada has been raging for over two years now. The death toll amongst Palestinians, which keeps rising

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