Ilan Pappe: The Meaning and Objectives of the Academic Boycott

From the archive (legacy material) Ilan Pappe | Resisting Israeli Apartheid conference | 5 December 2004 [Note: French translation available here.] When I first heard of the initiative to collect signatures for a boycott petition (initiated by Hillary and Stephen Rose in London) I did not hesitate and added my name. I was also convinced that the hundred to

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Hilary Rose: Building the Academic Boycott in Britain

From the archive (legacy material) Hilary Rose | Resisting Israeli Apartheid conference | 5 December 2004 [Note: French translation available here.] We are here today at SOAS to set in train nothing less than an international boycott movement of historic significance. The size and difficulties of the task we have set ourselves, and the bitterness of our enemies are

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John Docker: Settler Colonialism as Genocide: Implications for a Strategy of Solidarity with the Palestinians

From the archive (legacy material) John Docker | Resisting Israeli Apartheid conference | 5 December 2004 [Note: French translation available here.] I would first like to express my pleasure to the conference organizers for inviting me to come to London from Australia. It is an honour to be here. It is also a great pleasure to see again Hilary

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Haim Bresheeth: Stand Up and Be Counted

From the archive (legacy material) Haim Bresheeth | Resisting Israeli Apartheid conference | 5 December 2004 [Note: French translation available here.] Much energy is spent unnecessarily, comparing the Apartheid regime in South Africa and the State of Israel, in order to equate the two and make a boycott acceptable. In my view there is no need for this comparison

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Ben Young: The Role of Students: Lessons from South Africa

From the archive (legacy material) Ben Young | Resisting Israeli Apartheid conference | 5 December 2004 [Note: French translation available here.] Hello everyone, I hope that you’re finding this conference as illuminating and informative as I have. I’m in total accord with the other speakers who have clearly stated that there is so much we can do in terms

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Ilan Pappe: Summary of the Day

From the archive (legacy material) Ilan Pappe | Resisting Israeli Apartheid conference | 5 December 2004 [Note: French translation available here.] We began I think all by acknowledging we were here because of Hilary and Steven Rose, whose moratorium initiative moved us all to action. Victoria Britain started our day by reminding us that the anti-apartheid movement appeared at

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WRMEA Special Report: London Conference a Prelude to Academic Boycott of Israel

From the archive (legacy material) Paul de Rooij | Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | 5 December 2004 ON DEC. 5, some 270 academics from around the world convened in London to discuss the implementation of a boycott of Israeli academic institutions and the severing of cultural links with Israel. The aim of the conference was to refine

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From the archive (legacy material) Palestinian Grassroots Anti-apartheid Wall Campaign | | 8 December 2004 On Sunday, December 5, 2004, a large audience packed the lecture theatre of the Brunei Gallery at the School of Oriental and African Studies for “Resisting Israeli Apartheid: Strategies and Principles.” The all-day conference offered strategies for countering the Israeli occupation and Israeli

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Electronic Intifada: Palestinians Call for Boycott of Israeli Academia

From the archive (legacy material) Victor Kattan | The Electronic Intifada | 15 December 2004 The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel has called upon their colleagues in the international community to “comprehensively and consistently boycott all Israeli academic and cultural institutions” as exemplified in the struggle to abolish apartheid in South Africa through diverse

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Betty Hunter: The Boycott Israeli Goods (BIG) Campaign

From the archive (legacy material) Betty Hunter | Resisting Israeli Apartheid conference | 5 December 2004 When the Palestinian people started the second Intifada in September 2000, the world was forced to look again at the sham of the ‘peace process’, a process which had allowed the human rights violations of the illegal occupation and the land grab to

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