“Finally it Broke My Heart”. Random Impressions from Palestine

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Kathleen & Bill Christison | CounterPunch | 24/9/2004 A few weeks spent in Palestine is always an assault on the senses, on the emotions. And after three trips to the West Bank in the past eighteen months, it is impossible not to draw some conclusions. For most Americans, the eleventh commandment of the politics

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After Abu Ghraib

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Huda Alawazi | The Guardian | 20/9/2004 Huda Alazawi was one of the few women held in solitary in the notorious Iraqi prison. Following her release, she talks for the first time to Luke Harding about her ordeal It began with a phone call. In November last year 39-year-old Huda Alazawi, a wealthy Baghdad

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NYC Protests Sharon Rally at Baruch College

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Genug | NYC Indeymedia | May 22, 2005 A group of Jewish community human rights activists descended in protest on a highly-touted rally today featuring Israeli PM Ariel Sharon. Crying “Stop the mishegos [craziness], end the occupation!” the activists asked the crowd of executives of major Jewish organizations: “which of you will represent the

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The Academic Boycott of Israel

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Document prepared by Mona Baker The academic boycott is part of a comprehensive civil society programme of boycott and divestment aimed at exerting international pressure on Israel . Some colleagues who support an economic boycott of Israel find the idea of an academic boycott unacceptable, for various reasons. Some of these reasons are addressed

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Message to Colleagues in Translation Studies

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Translation is a matter of intercultural communication, yes. But, as has been widely demonstrated in recent years, it also involves questions of power relations, and of forms of domination. It cannot therefore avoid political issues, or questions about its own links to current forms of power. Robert Young, Postcolonial Theorist, University of Oxford Since

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Personal Statement on Boycott by Mona Baker

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) To fully understand the reasons for the growing campaign of boycott of Israeli institutions, as well as my own position, it helps to know something about the history of the conflict. You might like to consult some sources by renowned Israeli scholars, for example Ilan Pappe’s The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians (Routledge, 2006), and

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Mona Baker: On the Distinction between Institutions and Individuals

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Mona Baker | Resisting Israeli Apartheid conference (London) | 5 December 2004 [Note: French translation available here.] Abstract. The debate on the boycott of Israeli academic institutions has been dominated from the start by the controversy over the distinction between institutions and individuals. Numerous supporters of the boycott have argued either for excluding from

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