Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians

From the archive (legacy material) Robin McKie, science editor | The Observer | 25 November 2001 A keynote research paper showing that Middle Eastern Jews and Palestinians are genetically almost identical has been pulled from a leading journal. Academics who have already received copies of Human Immunology have been urged to rip out the offending pages and throw them

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J'Accuse, Sort Of

From the archive (legacy material) Michael Kinsley | | March 12, 2003 Rep. James P. Moran of Virginia, already a locally famous foot-in-mouther, went national last week by declaring at an anti-war rally that “if it was not for the strong support of the Jewish community,” the war against Iraq would not be happening. He said that Jewish

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U.S. lawmaker, under fire, predicts Jewish opposition to his re-election

From the archive (legacy material) Matthew E. Berger | Jewish Telegraphic Agency | March 11, 2003 WASHINGTON, March 11 (JTA) — Rep. James Moran (D-Va.) says he understands why Jewish leaders are furious with him over a history of comments against Israel and the Jewish community, and predicts the Jewish community will mount a fierce opposition to replace him

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Israel persecutes Palestinian technical students (IWPS Arrest Report No. 19)

From the archive (legacy material) International Women’s Peace Service | IWPS | February 14, 2003 Note: This is an important document because it suggests that the Israelis are now targeting highly successful technical students–not because of their political activity or for ‘security’ reasons, but because they promise self-reliance and development in the Palestinian community. Thanks to Haidar Eid for

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An Old Evil Renames Itself as "Transfer": A Thousand Professors

From the archive (legacy material) Alison Weir | CounterPunch | February 8, 2003 It’s not every day that you get the chance to prevent a crime against humanity. This is one of those times. For several months now, those of us following events in Israel-Palestine closely have been hearing increasingly disturbing reports. Americans returning from the Palestinian Occupied Territories

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Mosque destroyed in Israel as Ariel Sharon's Judaization project for the Negev begins

From the archive (legacy material) Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages of the Palestinian Bedouin | Electronic Intifada | 6 February 2003 The Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages of the Palestinian Bedouin in the Negev-Israel [1] condemns the demolition of a mosque in the unrecognized village of Tel Al-Mileh, and views this operation as the beginning of the

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The Empire Strikes Back: Sharon and Settlers Destroy the Infrastructure of Palestinian Existence

From the archive (legacy material) Neve Gordon & Catherine Rottenberg | CounterPunch | February 3, 2003 Nine Palestinian farmers were taken to the nearby military base. When they arrived soldiers jumped on them, tied their hands behind their backs and fixed a piece of cloth around their eyes. They were led to a deserted area in the base and

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From the archive (legacy material) Edward Herman | Znet | November 25, 2002 Palestinians are “Semites,” but the word antisemitism is never applied to prejudice against them, only to Jews. The restriction on the application to Jews, and failure to use it in reference to Palestinians, continues in the face of the fact that prejudice against Jews has sharply

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