Time, Freedom & Narrative

Friday 3 July 2015, University of Manchester An interdisciplinary postgraduate conference hosted by doctoral students at the Centre for New Writing and the Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies at the University of Manchester    Conference scope This one day event to be held at the University of Manchester will explore the complex relations between time, freedom and narrative. Themes to be addressed at the conference include,

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Project Narrative Summer Institute: June 8-June 19, 2015

The Project Narrative Summer Institute (PNSI) is a two-week workshop at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH that offers faculty and advanced graduate students in any discipline, from institutions worldwide, the opportunity for an intensive study of core concepts and issues in narrative theory. This summer’s PNSI will run from June 8 to June 19, 2015, led by Project Narrative core faculty James Phelan and Angus Fletcher, with

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Activism on the Move: Mediating Protest Space in Egypt with Mobile Technology

Sep 05 2014 The 2011 revolutionary uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa abruptly captured global attention as the world was drawn breathlessly into the tumult with a profusion of media content, from Tweets to amateur video footage. Amidst the media blitz, analyses yielded two conflated and reactionary narratives of events. One contended that the popular protests of the

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