Inscribing Palestine – A Poem

                  Jul 31 2014 By Ramona Wadi International abandonment a horizon exploding in hideous light beneath the massacred canopy echoes of footsteps, voices, laments the tapestry unravels, threads suffocating street corners, pavements, rubble and sand melting faces dissipating in kaleidoscopic chronology smeared with crimson hues parched land, resistant territory tears trailing from

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To the family of the one thousandth victim of Israel’s genocidal slaughter in Gaza

Ilan PappeThe Electronic Intifada 27 July 2014   I do not know yet who your loved one was. She might have been a baby a few months old, or a young boy, a grandfather or one of your children or parents. I heard about your loved one’s death from Chico Menashe, a political commentator on Reshet Bet, Israel’s main radio

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Israeli universities lend support to Gaza massacre

  Submitted by Ali Abunimah on Fri, 07/25/2014 – 13:10 Two leading Israeli academic institutions are offering strong support for Israel’s ongoing massacre in Gaza. Tel Aviv University is giving students who serve in the attack on Gaza one year of free tuition. “Tel Aviv University embraces and supports all the security forces who are working to restore quiet and

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‘A level of racist violence I have never seen’

UCLA professor Robin D. G. Kelley on Palestine and the BDS movement Alex Kane on February 16, 2012   If there’s one thing the Palestine solidarity movement and Israel lobbyists can agree on, it’s this: American college campuses remain a potent battleground when it comes to the politics of Israel/Palestine. One group, the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott

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Thank you, Sinéad O’Connor, for boycotting Israel

David Cronin on Fri, 07/25/2014 I vividly recall the first time I saw  live. She looked shy and fragile as she walked onstage. And then she began her song “Troy,” whispering to us one second; screaming at us the next. It was enchanting and haunting. That was 26 years ago. Ever since then, I’ve admired O’Connor as a woman of talent

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USACBI Congratulates and Thanks the Critical Ethnic Studies Association and the African Literature Association for Endorsing the Academic Boycott of Israel!

The US Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) congratulates both the Critical Ethnic Studies Association (CESA) and the African Literature Association (ALA) following their recent, respective announcements to heed the call from Palestinian civil society and endorse the academic boycott of Israel. As Palestinians residing in Gaza are faced with yet another brutal Israeli war that has

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