Deaths without dignity

21 August 2013, Mada Masr By Sherief Gaber   “You want to see the bodies? Ok then, here!” the man working at the morgue said, holding me and a friend by the arm and practically pushing us into a humid room filled with bodies, lying on slabs or on the floor and in various states of decay. We had been

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Another promise to be fulfilled

By Omar Robert Hamilton Tuesday, December 24, 2013 – 01:14 The light is different in Zeinhom. The narrow street, arching trees and gentle slope of one of Cairo’s only hills combine to soften the bright, direct light that casts the city in her familiar monochrome. The light comes at you at an angle. Maybe it’s the hill. Or maybe it’s

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Breakfast with Mada: Mosaab Elshamy on Rabea, photography and memory

  By: Lina Attalah Thursday, August 14, 2014 – 14:42 In her seminal work On Photography, Susan Sontag spoke of making photographs as an event in and of itself, which, simultaneously with the events they capture, work on creating “a tiny element of another world: the image world that bids to outlast us all.” Mosaab Elshamy, a photojournalist trained as a

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