Audiovisual Translation: Theories, Methods and Issues

  By Luis Pérez-González Routledge – 2014 – 356 page Paperback: £25. 99
978-0-415-53027-9 August 12th 2014 Hardback: £90.00 978-0-415-53025-5 August 13th 2014 Audiovisual translation is the fastest growing strand within translation studies. This book addresses the need for more robust theoretical frameworks to investigate emerging text- types, address new methodological challenges (including the compilation, analysis and reproduction of audiovisual data),

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Migrating Texts

A series of colloquia exploring subtitling, translation and adaptation     Friday 31 October and Saturday 1 November 2014, Senate House, London The ‘Migrating Texts’ colloquia are three half-day workshops aimed primarily at postgraduate and early career researchers within the modern languages, English studies and humanities. Each colloquium will take the text (written or audiovisual) as a starting point and explore its transformation into

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