My Child Asks, ‘Can Israel Destroy Our Building if the Power Is Out?’

By Refaat Alareer The New York Times May 13, 2021   TAL AL-HAWA, Gaza Strip — On Tuesday night, my wife, six children and I huddled in the living room of our apartment, the place least likely to take a stray hit from Israeli missiles or the debris they scatter. We were watching Al Jazeera’s livestreaming of Israeli warplanes’ imminent

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J. K. Rowling and the Prisoners of Israel

by OMAR ROBERT HAMILTON Counterpunch, OCTOBER 26, 2015 “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.” — J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, 2007. How disappointing to see JK Rowling and Hilary Mantel signing this nefarious letter calling for the need for ‘cultural bridges’ with Israel. The letter, assembled by a new organisation calling itself Culture

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Why Did an Israeli Publisher Release a Book of Translated Arabic Essays Without Consent?

The decision to translate and publish the works of dozens of women authors, without their involvement or approval, points to unethical publishing practices. Hakim Bishara, Hyperallergic September 13, 2018 TEL AVIV — A new book released by the Israeli publisher Resling Books is under fire for publishing a collection of stories by leading Arab women writers without their permission. Editor and

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Statement of Dr Swee Ang on Israeli Flotilla Attack, 29 July to 1 August 2018

Statement (below) re events relating to a ship, Al Awda, of the Freedom Flotilla, attempting to break the siege of Gaza, carrying medical supplies etc. The ship was violently intercepted in international waters by Israeli warships. Hooded men took over the ship, beat up and tasered (to unconsciousness) the captain and second mate, assaulted other passengers, stole their phones and

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Former President of Modern Language Association Resigns Following Decision to Ban Debate on BDS

      For the time being, the MLA has taken an extreme and ethically untenable position by endorsing the idea, promoted by a group of members who were openly “assisted” by outside groups, that it is illegitimate for professional groups to protest Israel’s policies towards its Palestinian subjects.   January 9, 2018 To Paula Krebs, Executive Director of the

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Ahed Tamimi: father speaks of his pride as Palestinian activist prepares for trial

By Emma Heywood The Conversation, 22 February 2018 Popular resistance against the Israeli presence in the West Bank, be it violent or peaceful, is a constant feature of life in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. With no money and little international support, Palestinian activists put their own lives at risk and sacrifice their well-being to fight the many aspects of control

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A Toronto imam was accused of hate-preaching against Jews

But that wasn’t the whole story Ayman Elkasrawy’s controversial prayers sparked outrage and condemnation from many, including members of his own faith. In the aftermath, he reached out to the Jewish community to educate himself and learn from his mistakes. Still, a key question remained unanswered: did he really say what he was accused of saying?    By JENNIFER YANG, Identity

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The cinematic love letter to Cairo that none of its residents will see

Tamer El Said’s In the Last Days of the City documents life in the Egyptian capital over 10 years, but authorities have refused him a permit to show it Ruth Michaelson, Wednesday 12 July 2017 Ask a Cairo resident to describe the most frustrating thing about living in the Egyptian capital, and they will likely tell you about the noise, the

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Press Release: UCU Congress rejects "confusing" definition of antisemitism

Bricup, British Committee for the Universities of Palestine, and FSoI, Free Speech on Israel for immediate release – 29th May 2017 UCU Congress rejects “confusing” definition of antisemitism Support for Palestinian professor denied entry to Israel Download BRICUP FSOI leaflet ucu congress 2017 Free Speech on Israel, a Jewish-led organisation which defends the right to criticise Israel, and the British Committee for the Universities of

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