Union leaders call on BBC to reinstate sacked Arab producers

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) NUJ | 13 October 2003 Fifteen of Britain’s top trade union leaders have issued a joint call for BBC Director General, Greg Dyke, to reinstate two sacked journalists. The union leaders, who include Sir Bill Morris, Tony Woodley, Billy Hayes and Michael Leahy have called for the BBC to enter talks with the National

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APME requests Pentagon halt harassment of media in Iraq

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Stuart Wilk | Associated Press Managing Editors | 12 November 2003 Mr. Larry Di Rita Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs The Pentagon Dear Mr. Di Rita: We are writing to protest actions being taken by U.S. troops that appear intended to discourage journalists from covering the continued military action in Iraq.

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U.S. Troops More Hostile With Reporters

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) SLOBODAN LEKIC | AP/Yahoo | 12 November 2003 BAGHDAD, Iraq – With casualties mounting in Iraq, jumpy U.S. soldiers are becoming more aggressive in their treatment of journalists covering the conflict. Media people have been detained, news equipment has been confiscated and some journalists have suffered verbal and physical abuse while trying to report

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IFJ Condemns Arrest of Journalist and Warns of “Witch-hunt Against Al-Jazeera and Arab Media”

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) | 8 September 2003 The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the arrest by Spanish officials of an Al-Jazeera Television journalist for alleged ties to al Qaeda members in what it warned “looks like developing into an international witch-hunt” against Arab-language media. On September 5, Tayseer Alouni, an Al-Jazeera

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Casual Disregard for Media Safety

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) | 18 August 2003 The International Federation of Journalists has called for an independent and open inquiry into the killing yesterday afternoon of a cameraman in Iraq by US troops, only days after the Federation accused the Pentagon of a “cynical whitewash” over a previous attack on media in

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Cameraman killed by U.S. troops: News agency calls for investigation

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Reuters | CNN | 17 August 2003 BAGHDAD, Iraq (Reuters) — Reuters cameraman Mazen Dana, an award-winning journalist who had covered some of the world’s hottest spots, has been shot dead while filming near a U.S.-run prison on the outskirts of Baghdad. Eyewitnesses said Dana, 43, was shot by soldiers on an American tank

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Al-Jazeera Accuses US of Harassment in Row Over "Bias"

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Rober Fisk | Independent/Information Clearing House | 30 July 2003 30 July 2003: (The Independent) A day after Paul Wolfowitz, the US Deputy Defence Secretary, claimed that the Arabic Al-Jazeera television channel was “inciting violence” and “endangering the lives of American troops” in Iraq, the station’s Baghdad bureau chief has written a scathing reply,

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