Al-Jazeera, as American as Apple Pie

From the archive (legacy material) Joanne Levine | The Washington Post | 25 June 2006 In a country’s hinterlands, a distant region seldom visited by outsiders, a television crew investigates why so many residents are fleeing the area. When local officials catch wind of the crew’s presence, they begin interrogating people the journalists interviewed, and pressure others not to

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UK Media Gagged Over Contents of Bombing Memo: Targeting Al Jazeera

From the archive (legacy material) Linda S. Heard | Counterpunch | 23 November 2005 On Tuesday, Britain’s Daily Mirror published an explosive story riddled with implications concerning the character and intent of the US president when pursuing his so-called ‘war on terror’, and perhaps, shedding light on the bombing of Al Jazeera’s offices in both Kabul and Baghdad. Twenty-four

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Israeli army 'lied' about Miller death

From the archive (legacy material) Mark Townsend | The Observer | 24 April 2005 Leaked report returns Gaza Strip death of British film-maker to the spotlight Israeli soldiers stand accused this weekend of ‘lying’ and tampering with evidence in an attempt to obstruct an inquiry by military prosecutors into the death of British film-maker James Miller, according to internal

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Israel 'shocked' at BBC reporter award

From the archive (legacy material) HERB KEINON | The Jerusalem Post | 21 April 2005 Israeli officials expressed dismay this week that BBC reporter Orla Guerin, who has come under sharp attack for what some perceive as an anti-Israeli bias in her coverage, will receive an MBE honor from the British government for “outstanding service to broadcasting.” Diaspora Affairs

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Wounded Italian Journalist Recalls Ordeal

From the archive (legacy material) MARIA SANMINIATELLI | AP/Yahoo! | 6 March 2006 ROME – The freed Italian hostage wounded by American troops at a checkpoint in Baghdad shortly after her release said in an article Sunday that her Iraqi captors had warned her U.S. forces “might intervene.” Giuliana Sgrena, who writes for the communist newspaper Il Manifesto, described

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Two Murders and a Lie

From the archive (legacy material) Reporters Without Borders | 15 January 2004 Reporters Without Borders called today for the reopening of the enquiry into who was really responsible for the US Army’s “criminal negligence” in shooting at the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad on 8 April 2003 and causing the death of two journalists – Ukrainian cameramen Taras Protsyuk (of

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Straw protests Stevens deportation from US

From the archive (legacy material) Marc Sage | | 22 September 2004 Cat Stevens should never have been detained and deported from the United States, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw told his American counterpart tonight. Mr Straw, in New York for meetings at the UN, told Secretary of State Colin Powell that the action “should not have been taken”.

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