From the archive (legacy material) National Union of Journalists (NUJ) | 28 January 2004 The Hutton report’s criticisms of Andrew Gilligan and the BBC are “unfounded”, the NUJ said today. The union’s General Secretary Jeremy Dear said that blaming the BBC and its reporter for the trouble his broadcasting caused the government was “a threat to independent journalism.” Jeremy

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US liberals look to airwaves to combat right-wing shock jocks

From the archive (legacy material) Rupert Cornwell | The Independent | 3 December 2003 For years they have been taking it on the chin, from motor-mouth talk-show hosts, take-no-prisoner conservative authors and all-knowing Republican pundits. Now liberal Democrats are fighting back, with best-selling books, a new Washington think-tank and probably their own radio network. The network idea has failed

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Al-Jazeera fires Ridley

From the archive (legacy material) Iason Athanasiadi | The Guardian | 17 November 2003 Yvonne Ridley, the former Express journalist who was kidnapped by the Taliban in Afghanistan and subsequently converted to Islam, has been sacked as editor of al-Jazeera’s English-language service. “Until I know why I’ve been fired, or given written notice, I can’t say anything other than

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MoveOn moves up: Online citizen movement grows richer and stronger by the day

From the archive (legacy material) Michelle Goldberg | | 1 December 2003 Bill O’Reilly wants its nonprofit status revoked. Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie sees it as part of the “Democrat plan to subvert campaign finance laws.” House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s office plays phone pranks on its staffers. A piece in David Horowitz’s FrontPage Magazine worries:

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BBC appoints man to monitor 'pro-Arab bias'

From the archive (legacy material) Tom Leonard | Daily Telegraph | 11 November 2003 The BBC has appointed a “Middle East policeman” to oversee its coverage of the region amid mounting allegations of anti-Israeli bias. Malcolm Balen, a former editor of the Nine O’Clock News, has been recruited in an attempt to improve the corporation’s reporting of the Middle

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BBC sets up Mideast monitor

From the archive (legacy material) Bernard Josephs | Jewish Chronicle | 14 November 2003 The BBC’s appointment this week of a top broadcasting figure to oversee its Mideast coverage was welcomed by Israeli and Jewish community leaders as a recognition of their protests over alleged anti-Israeli bias. In and unprecedented move, the corporation name Malcolm Balen, a former editor

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