Change Comes From the Margins

By COSTICA BRADATAN  JUNE 30, 2015 6:50 AM The New York Times, Opinionator, The Stone In 1916, Hugo Ball, the German writer who would soon become a founding member of the Dadaist movement, wrote the following account of his first meeting with the men who would be his artistic and philosophical compatriots: “An Oriental-looking deputation of four little men arrived, with

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Why people are willing to die for an idea

From beyond the grave, they shape our lives more than they did when they when they were alive. By Costica Bradatan June 18  The Washington Post Costica Bradatan is an Associate Professor of Humanities in the Honors College at Texas Tech University. His latest book is “Dying for Ideas: The Dangerous Lives of the Philosophers.” Moscow, Oct. 7, 2006. Anna Politkovskaya,

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