
From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Khalid Kishtainy | openDemocracy.com | April 15, 2004 An American life is worth a thousand Iraqi lives. Iraqi satirist and author Khalid Kishtainy does the accounts for the recent fighting in Falluja. I don’t understand the reason for all this fuss and world condemnation of the Americans on the Falluja massacre. Only around 600

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Democracy versus demography

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Lev Greenberg | Haaretz Daily | 9 February 2005 Yitzhak Laor argued that the demand for a referendum is not democratic but meant to consolidate an ethnocentric regime (“Referendum means apartheid,” Haaretz, February 3). He also called on “doves” who support the disengagement to stop the formalist-legalist discussion and raise democratic arguments about the

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Campos: A dangerous argument

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Paul Campos | Rocky Mountain News | 4 January 2005 Daniel Pipes, the well-known neoconservative intellectual and director of the Middle East Forum, has just published an opinion piece in which he implies that the wholesale relocation of American citizens of the Muslim faith to internment camps might be a good idea. Pipes doesn’t

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The mountain and the mouse. Sharon's "vision" for Israel and the Palestinians exposed

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Uri Avnery | December 2004 Uri Avnery deconstructs Sharon’s recent speech to Israeli financial, political and academic leaders in which he painted a rosy picture of Israel’s prospects. But “the most important part of the speech was the part that was not there. There was no peace offer to the Palestinians. He did not

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The Carnivores and the Ivy League Apologist: The Voices of Sharon's Little Helpers

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Paul de Rooij | Counterpunch | 9 December 2004 Ariel Sharon is surrounded by a coterie of “advisors” who step in to develop, perfect and sell plans for the continued and inexorable dispossession of the Palestinians. What is surprising is that these advisors, the intellectual progenitors of continuing mass crimes, are an outspoken bunch;

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