Why the World Should Boycott Israeli Academic Institutions

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Tanya Reinhart | Electronic Intifada | 4 February 2003 In April 2002, following the Israel’s “operation” in Jenin, first calls for institutional academic boycott of Israeli universities appeared in England and in France. The British petition called to freeze European Union contracts with Israeli university as long as Israel continues its present policy. What

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Descending the ivory tower

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Amina Elbendary | Al-Ahram Weekly | 27 January 2003 As the academic and cultural boycott of Israel gains momentum Amina Elbendary meets Mona Baker, one supporter whose position has excited vitriolic attacks. Atrocities committed against the Palestinian people have reached levels that many in the West believe can no longer be tolerated or condoned,

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Swedish Public Figures Urge Israeli Boycott

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Yahia Abu Zakaria | Palestine Chronicle | January 20, 2003 STOCKHOLM – A group of Swedish luminaries and public figures called for a boycott of Israeli goods produced in occupied Palestinian territories, in a show of protest at the Jewish state’s policy of continued aggressions against the innocent Palestinians. In an article published in

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Boycott of work by Israeli scientists 'could cost lives'

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Daniel Foggo and Josie Clarke | Daily Telegraph | 15 December 2002 The development of life-saving new medical treatments could be under threat because of the British boycott of Israeli academics, leading scientists and research organisations are warning. Baroness Greenfield, the eminent neurobiologist and the director of the Royal Institution, the oldest independent research

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British academic boycott of Israel gathers pace

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Andy Beckett and Ewen MacAskill | The Guardian | 12 December 2002 Evidence is growing that a British boycott of Israeli academics is gathering pace. British academics have delivered a series of snubs to their Israeli counterparts since the idea of a boycott first gained ground in the spring. In interviews with the Guardian,

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'It's water on stone – in the end the stone wears out'

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Andy Beckett | The Guardian | December 12, 2002 This summer, a little-known Manchester academic caused an international storm when she sacked two Israeli scholars from the editorial board of her journal. But was it an isolated freelance protest – or the first skirmish in a wider academic boycott? Until a few months ago,

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Questioning the Israeli Boycott

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Ur Shlonsky | The Nation | 6 March 2003 Geneva, Switzerland I would like to respond to Neve Gordon’s piece, “Against the Israeli Academic Boycott” (Feb. 14). Like Gordon, I am opposed to an academic boycott of Israeli universities precisely because it singles out academia. Unlike Gordon, however, I don’t see any valid justification

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Boycotting Israel at NYU?

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) Martin Kramer | Frontpage Mag | 5 April 2004 The habitual academic petition-signers against Israel are out in force, in a letter to Hebrew University president Menachem Magidor. They charge that Israel “makes it difficult or impossible for Palestinian teachers and students to reach their universities,” and that Israeli troops are responsible for “harassment,

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Letter Urges Israeli Academics to Oppose Government's Palestinian Policies

From the www.monabaker.com archive (legacy material) HAIM WATZMAN | Chronicle of Higher Education | 30 March 2004 Israel’s academic leaders should take a public stand against their government’s violations of academic freedom at Palestinian universities in the occupied territories, say more than 300 signatories to an open letter that has been published online. But the man to whom the letter

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