The Time of Now: An Interview with the Editors of the Routledge Handbook of Translation and Activism

Barricade, a Journal of Antifascism and Translation SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 BY ANNEKE RAUTENBACH In a chapter for the Routledge Handbook of Translation and Activism, published over the summer, Turkish journalist and translator Ayşe Düzkan offers an anecdote: At a conference in Istanbul in 2014, she was tasked with providing a consecutive Turkish interpretation for one of the speakers, a British Marxian anthropologist. His

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Translation and solidarity in the century with no future: prefiguration vs. aspirational translation

by Mona Baker Palgrave Communications Volume 6, Article number: 23 (2020) Cite this article Open Access Abstract The future and how we envision and anticipate it has been the subject of scholarly attention for some time, especially from political theorists, scholars of human geography, and anthropologists. This article draws on some of this literature, but particularly the work of Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, the Italian Marxist

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What the Egyptian Revolution Can Offer #MeToo

The Nation, JANUARY 22, 2018 I helped protect women from assault during the protests—those experiences can benefit feminists all over the world. By Yasmin El-Rifae I wonder how many women were slow to engage with the Weinstein story and the #MeToo campaign that followed. I was. I’ve been writing about sexual violence for years, but I ignored the Weinstein story for

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Lowkey – Hand On Your Gun

WRITTEN BY STOP THE WAR ON 14 SEPTEMBER 2017. POSTED IN MUSIC AGAINST WAR   Lyrics This one is dedicated to the suit-wearing arms dealers To the champagne-sipping depleted uranium droppers Keep your hand on your gun Don’t you trust anyone Keep your hand on your gun Don’t you trust anyone First in my scope is BAE Systems Specialize in

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Bahia Shehab's Mahmoud Darwish Project II

More Walls Painted In 2016 Bahia Shehab started an international street campaign celebrating the work of Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish. The first intervention was in Vancouver-Canada. In February she sprayed the stanza “Stand at the corner of a dream and fight” in downtown Vancouver. Street expression is no longer tolerated in Cairo. Shehab finds that the work of Darwish is

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Six Moments from a Revolution: A Mosireen Video Timeline

Omar Robert Hamilton Ibraaz, 4 July 2017 Archives are important. Control the past, and you shape the present. Throughout history archives have been a target and a tool of oppressive governments, invading armies and colonial administrators. The national archives in Egypt are kept as hidden from the public as possible, part of a wider project to divorce people from their

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The cinematic love letter to Cairo that none of its residents will see

Tamer El Said’s In the Last Days of the City documents life in the Egyptian capital over 10 years, but authorities have refused him a permit to show it Ruth Michaelson, Wednesday 12 July 2017 Ask a Cairo resident to describe the most frustrating thing about living in the Egyptian capital, and they will likely tell you about the noise, the

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