SISU Sets Up China’s First Corpus Research Institute

26 November 2019 | By Xu Xiaohan, Yang Tiantian, Zhou Jinru, Ren Yihan, Zhou Jiawen | Copyedited by Li Lei
Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) established China’s first corpus research institute, whose opening ceremony and academic seminar on corpus and interdisciplinary research was held at SISU on Nov. 16.
The opening ceremony and seminar attracted more than 130 experts and scholars from universities and enterprises in the UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao and China.
SISU University Council Chair Jiang Feng said that the combination of science and humanities is a very important standing point for the future development of SISU. “The establishment of the corpus research institute will contribute to integrating resources and serving the development of talents and the society,” Chair Jiang added.
The team of SISU Corpus Research Institute is composed of experts from various studies, including corpus translation, corpus linguistics and computer science. It will construct the infrastructure and promote the interdisciplinary research based on corpus. Hu Kaibao, dean of SISU Corpus Research Institute, said that the institute would also cultivate more talents in language data development.
The following academic seminar involved six parts of corpus and language studies, corpus and literary studies, corpus and translation studies, corpus and social science studies, and corpus and artificial intelligence.
Professor Mona Baker of the University of Manchester and Ph.D. student Jan Buts introduced how to apply corpus technology into studying the communication process of core conceptions of western civilization in different cultural systems.
Professor Huang Juren of Hong Kong Polytechnic University recalled the development of Chinese corpus. He pointed out that corpus linguistics had already combined with data analysis. Chinese corpus linguistics has been applied into subjects where Chinese texts need to be processed or whose content is in Chinese.
In recent years, corpus has been applied in more and more fields, including linguistics, literature, translation, public opinion research, national and regional studies, medicine and artificial intelligence. SISU established this university-level Corpus Research Institute to promote the application of corpus in the research of different subjects which strongly responds to the era of big data and the development of artificial intelligence.
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