Justice and Minorized Languages under a Postmonolingual Order
CFP: 11th International Conference on Translation and Interpreting
10-12 May 2017
Department of Translation and Communication Studies, University Jaume I, Castelló,Spain
The creation of supranational bodies (European Union, African Union, Caribbean Community, Organization of Ibero-American States), the public debate on (con)federalist and plurinational States (Belgium, Spain, United Kingdom, Bolivia, Canada, India), or the cyclical discussion about national identities (Catalonia, France, Gibraltar, Australia, Malaysia) stress the fallacies in autopoietic orders and cast doubts on the possibility of legal systems as isolated canons aware only of themselves.
Daily, political, legal, and social institutions face the new realities of a postmonolingual order, where the need for policies to manage multilingualism (including oral, written, and signed languages) in cross-cultural legal contacts becomes critical to overcome the dysfunctions of the old industrial order. Decoupling moral, political, and legal authority from any particular identity – embodied in specific languages, cultures, religions, races, genders, or sexual orientations – eases the interdisciplinary project of sharing a global social space. As post-materialist values secure their roots, overcoming a monolingual paradigm allows us to acknowledge the differences and the transactional nature of both languages ??and political and legal covenants.
Against this background, providing linguistic access to justice becomes a public service to safeguard fundamental rights and guarantee effective judicial protection, cornerstones of the new postmonolingual order: protecting the access to public services, to which every person is entitled, and providing political recognition of the very ethno-linguistic communities the State is supposed to serve. These communities, variously minorized, may be formed by speakers of vernacular languages, but also by members of migrant ethnocultural groups whose access to public services depends on the recognition of their own heritage languages. Ethno-linguistic democracy, which enshrines linguistic access to justice, should ensure protection against the social and legal ostracism of minorized languages in a broad sense – vernacular and migrant – and against any form of glottophobia targeting stateless languages, which the law, so fond of atavisms, may have developed.
The 11th International Conference on Translation and Interpreting: Justice and minorized languages under a postmonolingual order aims to describe the role translation, interpretation and, more generally, language planning play or should play in the creation of a postmonolingual order that favors the development of diverse identities and the normalization of minorized languages as codes for managing and accessing justice.
The organizers wish to receive proposals from the professional and scientific communities on the following topics:
- Justice and minorized languages. Theoretical approaches to justice and minorized languages; Minorized languages ??in forensic linguistics; The relevance of legal translation theories for minorized languages.
- Terminology and resources for less-resourced languages. Management of legal terminology in minorized languages; Creating law-related linguistic resources for less-resourced languages; The translation of legal instruments and jurisprudence into minorized languages; The establishment of linguistic models ??for minorized languages in the administration of justice.
- Ethno-linguistic democracies and cross-cultural law. Approaches to law and minorized languages; Cross-cultural approaches in the development of international legal frameworks; Translation in the development of legal systems and ethno-linguistic democracies; Cross-cultural transactions in the legal field.
- Multilingualism and access to justice. Translators and interpreters of minorized languages ??in the judicial system; The right to interpretation and translation for minorized languages in criminal proceedings; Translation in developing policies for the management of multilingualism in public services, including access to justice; The management of minorized languages ??in the administration of justice (case and comparative studies).
- Measures against glottophobia. Psychological basis and personal and social harms derived from glottophobia; Analysis of glottophobic discourse in the law; Policies and steps for the prevention of glottophobia in providing access to justice.
- Natural translators and interpreters in providing access to the legal field to minorized language users. The role of natural translators and interpreters in policies for managing multilingualism; The relationship between natural and professional translators and interpreters; Training natural translators and interpreters; Protection of children acting as translators and interpreters between migrant communities and local authorities.
- Role of translators and interpreters for minorized languages. The transactional nature of linguistic mediation in the legal field; Overcoming the paradigm of translators and interpreters as conduits; Case studies of translators’ and interpreters’ roles in legal settings.
Submission guidelines
Original unpublished papers and posters are invited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, those listed above. Papers and posters may report on research or on professional experiences. The difference between papers and posters is that while papers are expected to report on more conclusive results, posters can present ongoing and not necessarily completed research, teaching or training activity, practical work, software programs, projects or new developments.
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (maximum of 750 words) of the paper they would like to present together with a short 200-word abstract and short biography. Both abstracts and bionotes should be submitted in English, Catalan, or Spanish. Although the extended abstract is limited to 750 words, it should provide sufficient information to allow evaluation of the submission by the program committee.
Submissions in either Catalan or Spanish should also provide an English version of the 200-word abstract and the bionotes. The short abstracts of accepted papers will be used in online program and event advertising.
Camera-ready versions of the accepted papers will be published in the conference e-proceedings with an assigned ISBN number, subject to the presenter having duly registered for the conference. Their length should not exceed 6,000 words.
Poster proposals are invited in the form of poster abstracts not exceeding 500 words, in English, Catalan, or Spanish. Authors should submit a 200-word version and a short biography. Submissions in either Catalan or Spanish should also provide an English version of the 200-word abstract and the bionotes.
Camera-ready versions of the accepted posters will be published in the conference e-proceedings with an assigned ISBN number, subject to the presenter having duly registered for the conference. Their length should not exceed 2,000 words.
The full version of both papers and posters should be submitted via the CMT conference submission system (https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/JMLPO2016).
The Conference website (http://blogs.uji.es/itic11) provides formatting guidelines in the form of a Word stylesheet. EndNote bibliographic style files are also provided.
- September 5th, 2016: deadline for abstracts of papers and posters
- October 15th, 2016: all authors notified of decisions
- December 1st, 2016: deadline for speakers’ registration
- December 15th, 2016: final program to be published on the conference webpage.
- February 10th, 2017: speakers’ full papers and posters to be submitted for inclusion in the e-proceedings
- April 1st, 2017: deadline for early-bird registration
- April 25th, 2017: speakers’ presentations to be submitted
- May 10-12th, 2017: Conference takes place in Castellón, Spain
Conference Chairs
- Esther Monzó-Nebot, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
- Joan Jiménez-Salcedo, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain
Program Committee
- Dora Sales-Salvador, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
- Anna Marzà-Ibáñez, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
- Marta Renau-Michavila, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
- María Lomeña, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
- Anna Estellés, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
- Patxi Raga, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
- Kim Schulte, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
- Josep Roderic Guzman, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
- Antonio Guillot Farnós, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
- Carmen Lázaro, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
- Catalina Vidales, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
- Andrea Planchadell, Universitat Jaume I, Spain