Transformative Works and Fan Activism

pageHeaderLogoImage_en_US.jpgSpecial Issue of TWC (Transformative Works and Cultures), Volume 10, 2012
Edited by Henry Jenkins and Sangita Shresthova, University of Southern California

Table of Contents


Up, up, and away! The power and potential of fan activism
Henry Jenkins, Sangita Shresthova


Melissa M. Brough, Sangita Shresthova
Henry Jenkins
Neta Kligler-Vilenchik, Joshua McVeigh-Schultz, Christine Weitbrecht, Chris Tokuhama
Ashley Hinck
Andreas Jungherr
Matt Yockey


Sun Jung
Bethan Jones
Marcus Schulzke
Alex Leavitt, Andrea Horbinski
Tanya R. Cochran
Lili Wilkinson
Cheuk Yin Li
Tom Phillips


Of snowspeeders and Imperial Walkers: Fannish play at the Wisconsin protests
Jonathan Gray
On the ordinariness of participatory culture
Aswin Punathambekar
Imagining No-place
Stephen Duncombe
Fan activism for social mobilization: A critical review of the literature
Lucy Bennett
Flash activism: How a Bollywood film catalyzed civic justice toward a murder trial
Ritesh Mehta


“Fan fiction and copyright: Outside works and intellectual property protection,” by Aaron Schwabach
Stacey Marie Lantagne