CfP: Building Bridges between Film Studies and Translation Studies

Journal: inTRAlinea
Editor(s): Juan José Martínez Sierra & Beatriz Cerezo Merchán
Length of Proposals & Deadline for Submission: 15 December 2015. Deadline for submission of abstracts (300 words)
Descriptive Summary: Articles can be submitted in English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish.

Audiovisual Translation has become a recognized disciplinary area in the last 15-20 years, while the origin of Film Studies dates back to almost a century ago. Still, it is possible – and perhaps necessary – to continue promoting new interdisciplinary/cross-disciplinary venues of research that can lead to new breakthroughs in these two fields. This special issue hopes to promote an innovative perspective, in which Translation Studies and Film Studies come together. The links between audiovisual texts and film language are undeniable, so it is absolutely necessary to bring together the fields of Translation Studies and Film Studies, in order to foster a deeper understanding of these connections. Although some researchers have started to tackle this issue (such as Chaume, 2004, Remael, 2004, Cattrysse and Gambier, 2008, Martínez-Sierra, 2012, and some articles from the 2012 special issue of MonTI), interdisciplinary research that brings together Audiovisual Translation and Film Studies is rare, especially from a specifically cinematographic standpoint. This special issue aims to gather a series of contributions, both theoretical and applied, that bridge the gap between these two disciplinary areas and explore the links between them. We actively encourage submissions from scholars in Film Studies.
Possible topics for articles include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Audiovisual translation and film history
• The influence of script writing on audiovisual translation
• The influence of the technical aspects of film (i.e. camera angles, shots, camera movements, etc.) on audiovisual translation
• The influence of the signifying codes of film on audiovisual translation (i.e. linguistic, paralinguistic, musical, special effects, photographic or iconographic codes)
• The film industry and audiovisual translation
• Technological changes in the film industry and their influence on audiovisual translation
• The application of film studies to the development of creative subtitling strategies
• Experimental research and reception studies: the impact of audiovisual translation on the audiovisual product
• The inclusion of film language concepts (script writing, signifying codes, technical aspects) in audiovisual translation teaching and practice
• Accessible filmmaking: the integration of audiovisual translation and accessibility during the filmmaking process
• Remakes as a form of translation: the creation of new audiovisual texts based on the adaptation of foreign products
• Translating from the page to the screen: the adaptation of comics into films
• Cinema, identity, and translation
• Cinema, ideology, and translation
• Cinema, politics, and translation
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