marqSecond International Translation Conference
14-15 OCTOBER, 2015

‘It’s time to write about women and translation again”
                                       Luise von Flotow in Translating Women
“I decided it was time to confirm for myself what I had sensed over the last few years working full-time as a freelance literary translator: the Vida figures would probably apply to translated literature, as well. Far more male novelists make their way into English than female ones… It is not the lists or the numbers that matter per se; it is what they represent, and the questions they raise. Where are the women in translation? Why aren’t more women getting into print in English, particularly when one bears in mind that the proportions are reversed when the gender of the translator is in question.”
                                            Alison Andersen for Words Without Borders

The 2nd International Translation Conference: Women in Translation aims to bring together scholars, translators and practitioners from different backgrounds who are particularly sensitive to the cross-cultural and literary issues in translation. Our chief aim this year is to contribute to the dialogue and discussion about women writers in translation and women translators. The idea is to have as much diversity and breath as possible, therefore, we encourage focusing not only on Western European literature but truly on women across the globe. We hope the Conference will also be an excellent platform for the exchange of ideas and for exploring, beyond stereotypes, how the gender perspective may shed fresh light on old questions within translation studies such as, for instance, the identity of the translator or issues of ‘fidelity’.
The Conference will prioritize (but will not be limited to) the following areas:

  • Women Writers in Translation
  • Women Translators
  • Feminist Translators
  • Women Characters in Translation
  • Women Poet-Translators and Translator-Poets
  • Feminist Theory and the Study and Practice of Translation
  • Untranslated Women’s Masterpieces
  • New Discoveries in Women Literature
  • Gender Equality in Literature and in Translation
  • Literary Sexism

Papers will be allotted 20-minute slots to be followed by a short discussion. Abstracts of max. 250 words with the following information: a) author(s), b) a short bio, c) affiliation d) email address should be sent to Hanna Mijas hannamijas@yahoo.co.uk or Agnieszka Szwach mailto:aszwach@ujk.edu.pl
The languages of the conference are English and Polish. A selection of papers will be published by the organizing committee.
Luise von Flotow
Professor and Director of School of Translation and Interpretation at the University of Ottawa, Canada, the author of Translation and Gender and Translating Women.
Jerzy Jarniewicz
Professor and Head of Department of British Literature and Culture at the University of Lodz, Poland, a literary translator and a poet.

  • Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15th of August 2015
  • Notification of acceptance: 20th of August 2015
  • Deadline for registration: 15th of September 2015

dr Tomasz Dobrogoszcz, University of Lodz
dr Hanna Mijas, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
dr Agnieszka Szwach, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
The conference will take place at Jan Kochanowski University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Modern Languages, Kielce, Poland located at ul. Świętokrzyska 21D, Kielce, Poland
The conference registration fee is 100 € (400 PLN) and it covers participation costs, coffee breaks, lunches, a conference portfolio and a post-conference publication.
Account owner:
Jan Kochanowski University
Stefana Żeromskiego 5
25-369 Kielce
For speakers from Poland (400PLN)
Raiffeisen Bank Polska SA
48 1750 1110 0000 0000 2108 1237
Title of Payment:  Translation + your name
For speakers from abroad (100 €)
IBAN: PL  48 1750 1110 0000 0000 2108 1237
Title of Payment:  Translation + your name
Please send a scanned copy of your bank transfer either to aszwach@ujk.edu.pl or
The expenses of travel and accommodation are the responsibility of the participant. The organizing committee recommends the following hotels that are located in the nearest vicinity of the conference venue:

For further information please go to conference website http://www.ujk.edu.pl/ifo/translation-conference