Changes in the media system after the Arab revolts: New research directions
Troisième série | n° 12 /// 2015
Evolution des systèmes médiatiques après les révoltes arabes
Nouvelles directions de recherche
Changes in the media system after the Arab revolts: New research directions
Sous la direction de Enrico De Angelis
The Arab revolts have forced us to re-evaluate our theoretical approaches and many of our assumptions on the role of media in the Arab region. In fact, radical changes of perspective have affected the study of media in the Arab region over the last four years. Whereas in the aftermath of the 2011 revolts media were considered to be crucial instruments in fostering profound socio-cultural transformations, today they are accused of being in part responsible for the failure of the Arab revolutions.
This collection brings together the work of scholars who offer innovative and more nuanced interpretations of communication processes in the Middle East and North Africa after 2011. In particular, the essays collected here re-examine the relationship between media and politics of dissent, as well as the impact of new technologies in the region. They describe a particularly vital and hybrid media environment, in which different tools – graffiti, social web, traditional media – interact together, with effects that are difficult to predict.
Introduction : le système hybride égyptien et le « chaos culturel » [Texte intégral]Introduction: The hybrid system of Egypt and “cultural chaos” [Texte intégral | traduction]
Première partie : réévaluer le rôle des médias, quatre ans après les révoltes
Re-evaluating the role of mass media four years after the beginning of the uprisings-
Radically Polarized Publics and the Demise of Media Freedom in Egypt [Texte intégral]Des « publics » radicaux et polarisés face à la disparition des médias libres en Egypte [Texte intégral | traduction]
Deuxième partie : relation entre média privés et contestations avant la chute de Moubarak
The relationship between private media and dissent before the fall of Mubarak-
Entre le « faire de l’histoire » et le « faire l’histoire »
Troisième partie : le système hybride en Égypte et le rôle des nouvelles technologies
The hybrid system and the role of new technologies in Egypt -
Quatrième partie : des modalités d’utilisation du web « différentes » : regard sur la Tunisie
Different new media practices : A glance at Tunisia -