Visualising Information for Advocacy
Elements of Visual Advocacy
The first edition of Visualising Information for Advocacy was published in October 2013 and to mark the one year anniversary we have released the second edition for free. Of course, you can still order a physical copy of our book through either our Big Cartel Store or Amazon and if you write a blog post about the book, we’ll send you a copy for free!
Visualising Information for Advocacy is a book about how advocates and activists use visual elements in their campaigns. In this 170-page book we explore how to influence issues using the right combination of information, design, technologies and networks. Through over 60 examples of visual information campaigns from around the world we show how they capture attention, present stories and take us on journeys through data.
Whether we’re swamped by it or starved of it, the value of information depends on its quality, and its usefulness depends on our ability to communicate it successfully. As activists, we can’t sit and wait for people to wade through sixty-page reports. To influence people we must make strong arguments and communicate them using strong evidence. Well timed, rigorous and well presented information is the greatest asset activists possess.