Multilingualism at the cinema and on stage: A translation perspective

Linguistica Antverpiensia, No 13 (2014)

Multilingualism at the cinema and on stage: A translation perspective

Adriana Şerban & Reine Meylaerts

Table of Contents


Introduction PDF
Reine Meylaerts, Adriana Şerban


La parole aux images, ou Multilinguisme et traduction dans les films de John McTiernan PDF
Sylvain Agiboust
Narratives of Translation and Belonging in Multilingual Performance: The Case Study of 20/20 PDF
Jozefina Komporaly
Bilingual performance and surtitles: translating linguistic and cultural duality in Canada PDF
Louise Ladouceur
« Words are not simple play things! » : L’hétérolinguisme théâtral chez Louis Patrick Leroux PDF
Nicole Nolette
The power of the treacherous interpreter: Multilingualism in Jacques Audiard’s Un prophète PDF
Gemma King
The interpreter as traitor: Multilingualism in Guizi lai le (Devils on the Doorstep) PDF
Kayoko Takeda
Yinglish in Woody Allen’s films: A dubbing issue PDF
Frédérique Brisset
Code-switching and screen translation in British and American films and their Italian dubbed version: a socio-linguistic and pragmatic perspective PDF
Silvia Monti
Alfred Hitchcock presents: Multilingualism as a vehicle for… suspense. The Italian dubbing of Hitchcock’s multilingual films. PDF
Giuseppe De Bonis
Translating French into French: The case of Close Encounters of the Third Kind PDF
Simon Labate
The translation of multilingual films: Modes, strategies, constraints and manipulation in the Spanish translations of It’s a Free World … PDF
Irene De Higes Andino
How multilingual can a dubbed film be? Is it a matter of language combinations or national traditions? PDF
Elena Voellmer, Patrick Zabalbeascoa
Translation techniques in voiced-over multilingual feature movies PDF
Katarzyna Sepielak
Strategies for rendering multilingualism in subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing PDF
Agnieszka Szarkowska, Jagoda Żbikowska, Izabela Krejtz
The visual multiplicity of films and its implications for audio description: A case study of the film What Dreams May Come PDF
Anna Maszerowska
To Feast or not to Feast : les défis d’Henry V à la traduction audiovisuelle PDF
Nicolas Sanchez
Multilingualism in opera production, reception and translation PDF
Marta Mateo
The reasons for and implications of multilingualism in Une bouteille à la mer PDF
Thomas Buckley

Book Reviews

Martens, D., & Vanacker B. (Eds.) (2013). Scénographies de la pseudo-traduction. Les Lettres romanes, 67(3–4). PDF
Ronald Jenn
Romanelli, S. (2013). Gênese do processo tradutório. Editora Horizonte : Vinhedo. 181 p. PDF
Christiane Stallaert
Ballard, M. (2013). Histoire de la traduction. Repères historiques et culturels. Bruxelles : De Boeck. 234 p. PDF
Christine Lombez
Lafarga, F., & Pegenaute, L. (Eds.) (2013). Diccionario histórico de la traducción en Hispanoamérica. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert. 515 p. PDF
Ilse Logie
Crezee, I. H. M. (2013). Introduction to healthcare for interpreters and translators. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 338 p. PDF
Matilde Nisbeth Jensen
Dancette, J. (2014). Analytical dictionary of globalization and labour – Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail – Diccionario analítico de la mundialización y del trabajo (DAMT). PDF
Georg Löckinger

ISSN: 2295-5739