Show trial in Florida: The Feds' witch-hunt of Sami Al-Arian goes to court

From the archive (legacy material) Nicole Colson | The Socialist Worker, Page 2 | 10 June 2005 After more than two years in prison–much of it spent in solitary confinement–former University of South Florida professor and political activist Sami Al-Arian finally went on trial in Tampa, Fla., this week. There’s little chance, however, that Al-Arian will be able to

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CIA outrages UK academics by planting spies in classroom

From the archive (legacy material) Phil Baty | Times Higher Education Supplement | 03 June 2005 Moves by the US intelligence agency to place trainee spies secretly in university anthropology departments have sparked an international outcry in the discipline, writes Phil Baty. Anthropologists in the UK and elsewhere fear that the exercise by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) could

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Zionism vs. Intellectual Freedoms on American College Campuses

From the archive (legacy material) David Green | Znet | 15 May 2005 It has become obvious during the course of this academic year (2004-05)—if it was not already—that campus advocacy of Zionist ideology and Israeli state interests is shamelessly repressive of open and respectful discourse based on high standards of evidence, argument, and morality. This repression targets basic

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Witch Hunts in the Academy

From the archive (legacy material) Vinay Lal | Economic and Political Weekly | 7 May 2005 One element of the present dominant conservative consensus in America is aimed at rescuing the university from the nay-sayers, radicals, communists and relativists who are alleged to have taken over the American university and subverted its charter of academic freedom. There is already

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Special Column (No title: Attack on Pappe for Supporting Boycott)

From the archive (legacy material) Ben-Dror Yemini (translated from Hebrew original) | Ma’ariv | 29 April 2005 Who was the author of the following: “Transfer is the official policy of an Israeli academic institution… transfer appeared as a proposed strategy submitted to the government by senior Labour Party ministers… transfer is openly supported by professors and media commentators. Few

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Alone on the barricades: Interview with Ilan Pappe

From the archive (legacy material) Meron Rapoport (interview with Ilan Pappe) | Haaretz | 6 May 2005 The shock wave that hit Israeli academia last week, in wake of the boycott declared by Britain’s Association of University Teachers (AUT) against Haifa and Bar-Ilan Universities, found Dr. Ilan Pappe, the Israeli protagonist in the whole uproar, on a trip to

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Special Column (No Title; Attack on Pappe for Supporting the Boycott)

From the archive (legacy material) Ariel Segal Ma’ariv (translated from the Hebrew original) | Maariv | 29 April 2005 Every year, on the eve of Passover, a cloud would hang over the festivities of the house of Israel in all its dispersions. Lunacy, cruelty comprised of the basest human drives found vent in the blood libels woven against our

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Severe Inaccuracies in the University’s Response to the AUT Decision

From the archive (legacy material) Yuval Yonai, lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Haifa University | May 2005 To: Professor Ben-Arzi, University Rector Haifa University Staff Re: Severe Inaccuracies in the University’s Response to the AUT Decision Dear Ms. Whintman, I wish to protest on the many inaccuracies that have been inserted into the university’s position in

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