National Council of Arab Americans (NCA) Action Alert: Racist Article In College Textbook

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National Council of Arab Americans | 4 January 2005

In a widely used college textbook published by McGraw-Hill, an article titled “The Great War on Militant Islam” includes racist references to Arabs, Muslims and Palestinians. See an excerpt below.
“Christianity and Judaism in particular – regard themselves, like Islam regards itself, as a final, divinely revealed truth. Yes, they too proselytize, and they have their occasional religiously motivated murderers. But those are aberrational and instantly condemned by the rest of the faithful. On the Planet Earth today, only Islam sports an unbridled faction that systematically inculcates hatred, systematically dehumanizes non-adherents, and systematically kills massively and indiscriminately.” Page 143
Please write to the publisher and ask them to immediately remove this and similar racist articles from any forthcoming textbooks and to immediately make the needed correction in the latest edition. Write, e-mail, or fax:
The McGraw-Hill Companies
P.O. Box 182604
Columbus, OH 43272
Phone: 1-877-833-5524
Fax: 1-614-759-3749
The National Council of Arab Americans sent the following letter to the publisher:
January 4, 2005
It has come to our attention that in the textbook, “Global Issues 05/06”, there is an article titled “The Great War on Militant Islam” by Andrew McCarthy, that is very alarming. Not only is the inaccuracy of the article disturbing, but also the language used in reference to Arabs and Muslims is extremely racist. Below is an excerpt from the text.
“Christianity and Judaism in particular – regard themselves, like Islam regards itself, as a final, divinely revealed truth. Yes, they too proselytize, and they have their occasional religiously motivated murderers. But those are aberrational and instantly condemned by the rest of the faithful. On the Planet Earth today, only Islam sports an unbridled faction that systematically inculcates hatred, systematically dehumanizes non-adherents, and systematically kills massively and indiscriminately.”
Page 143
As a well-respected publisher and a company that disseminates information to countless students across the U.S., we are disturbed that such an article would be included in a textbook widely used on college campuses.
I ask that you immediately remove this and similar racist articles from any forthcoming textbooks and make this correction in your latest edition.
National Board Chairperson
National Council of Arab Americans (NCA)