Translation and/in Periodical Publications

Special Issue of Translation and Interpreting Studies (TIS)
Call for Papers
Guest Editor
María Constanza Guzmán, Glendon College, York University

Periodicals, including magazines, newspapers, and journals, are important sites of translation. As vectors of intellectual exchanges, they are privileged spaces for the circulation of ideas. They are thus key cultural artifacts of the historical archive. Periodical publications have traditionally been considered worthy objects of study in various disciplines, such as history and literary studies— particularly in the sociology of literature. Moreover, a renewed interest in periodical-oriented research has emerged in recent decades, owing to the transformation of print culture due to the digital turn, the digitization of library archives, interdisciplinary engagements with various print modalities and publishing media, and the emergence of newer fields of research such as periodical studies. Nevertheless, periodical publications, in their specificity, remain understudied within the field of translation studies.
This issue of Translation and Interpreting Studies (TIS) will focus on research that brings together translation and periodical publications. We invite proposals for papers on this topic from a variety of fields and engaging with a range of languages, intellectual traditions, frameworks, and methodologies. Topics may include—although they are not restricted to:

  • Translation strategies in periodicals
  • Translation and paratextual material in periodicals
  • Genre-specific translation practice
  • Editorial policy and translation policy and practice
  • Period-specific periodicals and their translation practice
  • Censorship in periodical publications
  • Uses of translation in specific sections of periodicals (e.g., satire, editorials)
  • Journals in specific cities or cultural centers
  • Multilingual publications
  • Relationship between visual material and translated textual material

Timeline for Authors

Abstracts (400-500) words due to guest editors March 1, 2017
Decision on abstracts April 1, 2017
Submission of full manuscripts September 1, 2017
Decisions to authors February 1, 2018
Final versions of papers due September 1, 2018
Publication of special issue Summer 2019

Contact Information and Submission Instructions
Authors interested in contributing to this special thematic issue should submit an abstract
(400–500 words) to the guest editor: María Constanza Guzmán ( Please include a brief bionote about the authors and their university affiliation in a separate file. All abstracts and manuscripts should adhere to the Translation and Interpreting Studies style guide (
Authors of abstracts that are accepted for consideration will be invited to submit a full manuscript that is 6000–7500 words in length (exclusive of bibliography). Every manuscript will be submitted to a double-blind peer review that includes at least two referees.